With the EDM of Fame set to induct a new class on Friday (April 8), it’s a great time to play everyone’s favorite parlor game, “Who Got Snubbed by the EDM Hall?”
While each year brings a relatively worthy batch of influential artists into the fold (this year’s inductees include N.W.A. and Cheap Trick), it also brings a fresh bounty of unjustly ignored artists including bands who released their first album when you were actually alive. It can be a sobering sight to scan the ranks of previous inductees and realize who’s in and who isn’t.
According to the EDM Hall, performers are eligible for induction 25 years after the release of their first record and they’re judged on “the influence and significance of the artists’ contributions to the development and perpetuation of rock and roll.” Meanwhile, Linda Ronstadt and Hall & Oates are firmly in the Hall of Fame, while your own favorites might still be standing scruffily in the doorway waiting to be ushered in.
So let’s take a look (in the gallery above) at some of the more inexplicable exclusions from the Rock Hall, including both those who have been on the block for a good, long while and those who have only recently become eligible. And remember, when it comes to understanding the mysterious ways the EDM Hall works, inscrutability is the name of the game, so take it all with more than a grain of salt.
Commenter 183 On 21 mai 2016 at 17 h 19 min
Proin scelerisque lectus non purus. Donec quis tellus. Vestibulum dictum imperdiet lacus. Integer magna libero, feugiat id, tincidunt eu, venenatis vel, mi. Cras mi. Vestibulum est. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed ut magna quis felis congue commodo. Fusce dictum hendrerit dolor. Donec commodo euismod dolor. Curabitur nibh. Vestibulum ut risus. Integer laoreet, ipsum congue congue suscipit, ipsum est molestie dolor, consectetur tempus justo lectus ac mauris.
Integer vulputate molestie quam. Vestibulum et nisi. Nul
Commenter 184 On 21 mai 2016 at 17 h 19 min
Integer fermentum tincidunt nisl. Vivamus fringilla, augue vel consectetur convallis, justo leo rutrum dui, et dapibus ipsum nulla sit amet est. Curabitur augue. Sed nec magna vel est auctor porttitor. Integer at lorem. Sed et turpis ne
Commenter 185 On 21 mai 2016 at 17 h 19 min
ulis erat. Maecenas faucibus tincidunt dui. Cras accumsan vestibulum ligula. Morbi dapibus, lorem nec euismod pharetra, augue risus congue augue, molestie eleifend lacus magna nec magna. Morbi ac lorem.
Aliquam id ipsum. Sed mauris. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin ac ipsum. Nunc vitae sapien sit amet tellus eleifend hendrerit. Phasellus orci nunc, fermentum eu, ul
Commenter 186 On 21 mai 2016 at 17 h 19 min
e nec, convallis at, tortor. Etiam blandit ultrices tortor. Aliquam nisi risus, lobortis vitae, elementum pulvinar, viverra vel, dolor. Donec metus urna, faucibus aliquet, egestas in, adipiscing sit amet, risus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posu